German State Bank Finances Copper Mines
In its business report for 2001/2002, Norddeutsche Affinerie (Affi) proudly
declared, thanks to lobbying the German state government, a new mine "Antamina"
in Peru was partly financed by the German state bank "Kreditanstalt fuer
Wiederaufbau" (KfW), which allowed the mine to become operative, and provide
ore concentrate to Affi.
"Save the Elbe" tried to investigate the role of German state agencies
in more depth, so by July 2002 we wrote letters to the Bundesminister für
Umwelt (Federal Minister of Environment), and to the Bundesminister für
wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation)
to ask (full text in German),
which copper mines receive(d) German state support?
what influence did Affi exercise on these cases?
was support linked to social and ecological requirements?
were the activities of the mines checked and reported?
The ministries answered in November 2002 (full
text in German), that
Antamina (Peru) and Batu Hijau (Indonesia) received credit under commercial
conditions from KfW
Affi did not influence the decision
economical and ecological guidelines of KfW, World Bank, and other investor
states rules were applied before credits were granted
an environmental management plan for Antamina, and environmental and social
plans for Batu Hijau, based on World Bank and US Eximbank standards, are
supervised by consultants. In the case of Batu Hijau, damage of coral reefs
by deep sea tailings disposal was neither expected nor observed.
In its journal "Chancen" 3/2000, KfW reports about Collahuasi mine, Chile,
which received a substantial credit from KfW, not forgetting to point out
its role as a supplier of Affi. Looking back at the role German state agencies
played at Ok Tedi, one may well conclude, that KfW was involved in any
mining enterprise, if it was in favour of Affi. Federal government is hiding
behind World Bank standards, though they should know very well, that Batu
Hijau nether would get a permit in Europe, because it would violate the
Oslo and Paris Convention against pollution of the sea.
created July 2003
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"Save the Elbe"