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Eckard Garbe, Roslyn Brunton, and Christopher Hershey assisted us to invite NGOs and the press. Without their logistical base at Port Moresby, we would have been in serious trouble. Eckard finished his 8-years service for the German Development Service at Port Moresby on December 2000, and returned to Hamburg. Welcome back, Eckard! 

The Mineral Policy Institute at Sydney, Australia, is a very experienced opponent of Ok Tedi Mine and BHP, and provided lots of information to us. Simon Divecha of MPI hosted me at his home during my stay at Sidney. 

Heide Lienert, a teacher of Tok Pisin, working at the Hamburg Ethnological Museum, spent several hours, to prepare my travel to the country, that was so strange to me.

The "German Pacific Network", especially Dr. Volker Boege, supported our project from the preparation of the shareholder action to practical hints, how to travel in PNG.

The "3. Welt Hafengruppe - 3rd World Harbour Group" cooperates with "Save the Elbe" since many years. They research and evaluate information from developing countries, and raised the Ok Tedi problem to public awareness at Hamburg.

"Kritische Aktion”re" (Critical Shareholders) is a German initiative, that coordinates and advises its members, how to exercise the rights of a shareholder who feels ethically responsible. We were well advised.

We gratefully acknowledge OTML's policy, to host visitors, even if they do not agree with OTML's operations.

Klaus Baumgardt, "Save the Elbe" 

Index of Ok Tedi Pages 
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