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Results of Shareholder Action

Press release by "Save the Elbe"
April 4, 2000

 Northgerman Affinery Cannot Ignore Ok Tedi Mine Problem

The Northgerman Affinery, Hamburg, receives 16% of its copper ore from Ok Tedi Mine at Papua New Guinea, where it is exploited under conditions worst for the environment. Therefore "Save the Elbe" bought a share, to join the shareholder-meeting and to submit a proposal, that NA should take an initiative for the closure of Ok-Tedi Mine, and that for the relief of social consequences of mine closure, NA should make a deposit of 1% of  its profit.   

The chairman of the executive board, Dr. Marnette, pointed out in his business report, that NA were worldwide leading in environmental protection, but he rejected our proposal. After an intensive discussion, when other shareholders supported our position, the supervisory board offered, to enter into a dialogue with environmental organisations, mine owners, and the government of Papua New Guinea. The issue of that dialogue shall be a possible contribution of NA for the relief of ecological and social damages.   

This is a small step into the right direction, but more must follow. Encouraging was the support by a surprisingly high number of shareholders. NA, though not owner of the mine, as a leading company on the most important market for copper, namely Europe, bears responsibility for the conditions of ore exploitation at Papua. Environment and people at the Ok Tedi have to helped first. Another "Ok Tedi" must not happen again. 

The bare result at the meeting was, that 36,000 shares (out of 36,000,000) voted in favour of our proposal - nothing to worry about for the board. However, the board took our action serious enough, to put it on top of the agenda of their statements. Some newspapers recognized and reported this well. We took the opportunity offered by the board, to urge them to make a more substantial move. On our request, a  discussion took place between the director of NA's executive board, Dr. Werner Marnette, and representatives of "Save the Elbe", "German Pacific Network", and "Association of Protestant Churches and Missions in Germany". It led to the result, to send a delegation of NA to visit the Ok Tedi Mine in PNG. In addition, efforts will be made at Hamburg to find terms of reference for a sustainable copper production. When NA had made the arrangements with OTML, they invited "Save the Elbe", to join the delegation. Travel cost of "Save the Elbe" were not subsidized by NA, and we did not ask for financial aid. 

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