Links in this section point to files on
CD-ROM "Ok Tedi Pages" by
"Save the Elbe". On the
internet, see general adresses
- Heinrich Harrer: Ich komme aus der
Steinzeit (I come from Stone Age);
Ullstein Verlag, 1963
- Gerry Schuurkamp: The Min of the
Papua Newguinea Star Mountains; edited
by Ok Tedi Mining Limited, 1995
- Ok Tedi Mining Limited: Ok Tedi
24:00 (a photograph compilation of one
day in August 1983)
- Department of Mining and Petroleum ,
sponsored by OTML: Ok Tedi, the
Environment & You; 1994
- Ok Tedi Mining Limited: Annual
Review 1997
- Ok Tedi Mining Limited: several
studies in folder "otml" on
- Ok Tedi Mining Limited: Mine Closure
Plan; Part 1 Rehabilitation
and Closure Plan; Part 2 Social
and Sustainable Development Issues
in Relation to Mine Closure; December
- Ok Tedi Mining Limited: Tok Tedi
Magazine; quaterly journal for general
- World
Bank Report Ok Tedi, M”rz 2000;
published by MPI, Australia, on Internet
- The
Smoking Gun Files: studies proove,
that the environmental desaster was
known to BHP and PNG government before;
published by MPI, Australia, on Internet
- Peer
Review Report: Assesment of OTML's
environmental plans by a peer scientist
group; published by MPI, Australia, on
- Starnberger Institut, im Auftrag des
Missionswerks der Evang.-Luth. Kirche in
Bayern: Entwicklung und Umwelt,
÷konomisch-–kologische Entwicklung in
Papua-Neuguinea (Starnberg Institute, by
order of Missionworks of the
Evangelical.Lutheran Church in Bavaria:
Development and Environment,
Economic-Ecologic Development in Papua
Newguinea); 1991
- J–rg Hettler: Bergbau und Umwelt in
Papua-Neuguinea - die Ok Tedi Mine und
das Fly River Fluss–kosystem (Mining
and Environment in Papua Newguinea - Ok
Tedi Mine and the Fly River Ecosystem);
Promotionsarbeit FU Berlin, mit
Unterst¸tzung des UNEP (Thesis
University Berlin, supported by UNEP),
Berliner Geowissenschaftliche
Abhandlungen, Reihe A, Band 176, 1995
- Umweltschutzgruppe
Physik/Geowissenschaften: Gl”nzende
Gesch”fte - Umwelt hin, Geld her;
(Environment Protection Group
Physics/Geosciences: Bright Business -
Environment Gone, Money Come) Hamburg
- Ullmann's Enzyclopedia of Technical
Chemistry (4th edition, 1985): Copper
- Electronic Arts 3DAtlas: copper
- Broken Hill Proprietary: several
studies in folder "bhp" on
- Global Mining Initiative: several
studies in folder
"globalmining" on CD-ROM
- Mineral Policy Institute: several
editions of "Mining Monitor"
in folder "mpi" on CD-ROM
- ESRI: general
digital maps of the world, complimentary
with ESRI GIS products; maps provided on
this CD-ROM were partly prepared and
compiled with the software Arcview;
Arcexplorer, distributed freely by ESRI,
may be installed to PCs running under
Windows9x/NT (sorry, no GIS on the Mac),
to view and query the maps provided.
Please install
Arcexplorer 2 from CD-ROM. See ESRI
for later versions and for LINUX.
- Pennsylvania State
University Library: the basic maps
of PNG were downloaded from this website
- ATDI Cartography:
digital elevation models and topgraphic
maps are provided by this company on the
- USGS distributes a
worldwide DEM with 30 arcseconds = 1 km
resolution. A cut of Newguinea has been
fitted to the map package on this CD ROM
- US NASA distributes worldwide
satellite views with 30 m resolution
under Earth Science
Applications Directorat
- Idrisi: a GIS used
to calculate DEM from digitized contour
lines, as applied for the Mt. Fubilan
pit model
- PNG National Mapping Bureau:
topographic map 1:100,000, aerial foto
Mt. Fubilan
- National Geographic on
the Web: East India - Australia map
- Map
Package Mining in PNG: see folder
"png_map" on CD-ROM
- Map
Package Elbe-catchment in Europe:
see folder "euro_map" on
Pictures & Media
- Pictures, fotos, and video clips
taken by the author (Save the Elbe),
unless stated else. Videoclips are
provided on CD-ROM only.
- Videos are in a compressed
Quicktime-*.mov format. This should run
on a Mac without problem. For
Windows, Quicktime
for Win may be installed from CD ROM.
- Several publications provided by
OTML, see text
- Traditional Music from the Western
Province, edited on tape by Frederic
Duvelle, Institute of Papua Newguinea
Studies, distributed by National Museum,
Port Moresby
CD-ROM content

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