Ok Tedi Mine - A World of its OwnThe ore deposit was discovered by Kennecott company in 1968, but Kennecott dropped the project. BHP and several other companies took over, formed the mining company Ok Tedi Mine Limited (OTML), and started production in 1984. To develope the site, a mining town, Tabubil was built. The area of the town is one of the "leases" to OTML, which means, it is formally private ground. The town depends on the mine - energy supply, drinking water, waste water treatment, traffic connections. In the videoclip, the drive from Tabubil to the mine is displayed. Watch the different pipelines!Digging a pit |
»Rettet die Elbe« eVNernstweg 22, 22765 Hamburg, Tel.: 040 / 39 30 01, foerderkreisrettet-die-elbe.de |